Saturday, September 14, 2019

Beggars should be abolished Essay

‘Beggars should be abolished: for it is annoying to give to them and it is annoying not to give to them.’ Said Friedrich Nietzsche. In simple terms beggary is a state of extreme poverty but now a days it has become a profession for most of the people. Those 15 seconds, when you’re anxiously waiting for the red signal that is just about to turn green- a small child comes up to your car sticking his face in the window as hard as he can to make himself seen, or holding consumer goods, like tissue packets, biscuits, combs etc. asks you to buy something from him. Sometimes, they run to your front windscreen and start wiping the windscreen with water looking so dirty as if it was an algae habitat. Or sometimes, they just come to you selling their prayers for minimal change. And the ordinary man, thinking that he can do a good deed for the day takes out a shiny 5 rupee coin or a ten rupee note, and hands it over to that child. Of course not all beggars can be professiona l therefore there are some valid causes that cause such issue to be raised in our society. The causes can be classified as economical, social, religious or other. Economically talking about beggary people have no sufficient means to support themselves and their families or rather they are unemployed or under employed. Socially, the breakups and disorganization of families who are surrounded with poverty leads to increase in beggary. Many of the beggars migrate to different countries because of what they see in their elders and therefore they even follow this as a profession. Many of the beggars are physically disabled or mentally disabled and due to this they have to move towards this way of living. Among other reasons may be mentioned those who are forced to beg. There are persons upon whom beggary is enforced. There are orphans that are sometimes deliberately maimed in order that their guardians or some other persons may earn their living. Many normal parents also trade on their children’s illness using these as sources of supplementary income.. Whether walking down the busy streets of Zam Zama Karachi, or the congested lanes of Sadar Lahore, there is a common feature that highlights the weakness of the atmosphere- beggary. There is no surprise in seeing a man of nearly sixty with a crooked back pointing out like a lever, which sets on the art of begging on one side and hardship on the other. Beggary is one of the most crucial problems that overspread the streets of Pakistan. Appalling statistics show that amongst the 180 million  citizens of Pakistan, 25 million are professional beggars, meaning that beggary is the main source of income for these individuals. Not only our country but in Japan and India even the walls are lined with the sleeping homeless, snoring through their beards on a bed of cardboard. According to a survey Beggar Children earn 200 or 250 rupees per day and handover entire money to the Mafia (Which works for this profession) and that Mafia keep a big chunk of earning and leave minimum amount with to these children to take home. This Mafia is taking more benefits of the Street Begging. The Mafia also makes sure that the beggar children are addicted to street-life. Slightly older children are given drugs and intoxicants, permitted to enter places where drugs are sold, incited to beg or borrow and exposed to sedatives. Many rescued beggar children narrate horrific stories about forcible chopping off of limbs. According to certain special investigations by the media, in countries like India, many well qualified doctors are also shamelessly involved in this business and aid the Beggar Mafia. Some other unfortunate young children are â€Å"bought† by the Beggar Mafia from relatives or custodians who cannot afford to keep them or simply do not want them. These chil dren are first brutally beaten, burnt and starved for days in order to make them look miserable and then sent to the streets to beg because â€Å"A hungry stomach has no faith.† In any phenomenon there are effects , the effects of street begging that visitors will take fallacy about the country and they will never come again , also this phenomenon assimilates negative prescription and shadow about the country another effect brining rank and file alien to the country because the beggars didn’t have any parchment or witness from schools and they refuge to begs so that effect on national development , In addition the crimes will increase and the stealing will increase also these are some of the consequences or effects . There are plenty of ways of ensuring that your money is spent on finding real solutions to homelessness and drug and alcohol addiction. Support local homelessness charities that are working with people in need. You can make a donation or offer up your time as a volunteer. Finally, we are not asking you to just ‘walk on by’. By all means engage street homeless people in conversation, even buy them a cup of tea or food. But ple ase don’t give them money. Your kindness could kill. But people like you and I who are fooled by their emotional blackmailing tactics. We want to help and make a difference  in their lives, but we are discouraged by their dishonesty and it is hard to gauge who is sincere and who isn’t. I have come to understand that ‘professional’ beggars are not needy, they are greedy! Ask any one of them to work instead of begging, and you’re met with deadly stares and rude remarks that shake the ground you’re standing on. Request them to leave you, and the knocking on your car’s window gets vengeful and even more persistent. Some even fire choice cuss words at you, while warning you that they will pray for you and your family’s demise. Well, begging cannot be removed overnight. It requires time, patience and wise leadership. All the governments of respective countries have to take note of all these things and then formulate a plan to eradicate beggars instead of compensating them with money. It is always better to show them how to earn money by working instead of feeding them free and social awareness about this subject has to be created or else this problem will only grow.

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